Post with Comments
Vestibulum lacinia sed magna quis lobortis. Quisque et volutpat mauris. Sed pretium nibh nec neque rhoncus ullamcorper. Cras vestibulum diam vel erat molestie fermentum. Maecenas auctor arcu erat, eu vestibulum lacus sollicitudin quis. Curabitur sed elementum purus. Nullam non nisi id dui mattis dictum. Cras a risus congue, volutpat enim quis, mattis nulla. Cras vel aliquam urna. Pellentesque rhoncus eros eget gravida malesuada. Sed dignissim lacus purus, ac mollis tellus molestie nec. Vestibulum mattis, lectus vitae dictum dignissim, risus nulla luctus erat, id tincidunt elit justo sit amet purus. Morbi volutpat ligula nisi, laoreet vestibulum ligula sollicitudin non. Fusce pretium convallis nisi et sagittis. Duis tempus vehicula odio in ultricies.
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Are portable devices worth buying?
I’ve become a huge fan of touch computing. I believe that most things we think of as „computers“ will be de-facto tablets, either in our pocket, in our hands, possibly even mounted on our wrists or forearms. I can’t wait for the iPad 5 this week (I’ll be ordering three),…
Demo of a Featured Post
You probably have stories in your blog you want to highlight to your readers. This is commonly referred to as „Featured Posts“ or „Featured Content“. If you are using WordPress, displaying these featured posts can be achieved in various ways, one of which is using a plugin like Jetpack. …
How to follow your favorite blogs
I was having a conversation the other day with one of my good friends about Pinterest. She was telling me that she wished more of her friends pinned stuff because her Pinterest feed wasn’t moving very fast. I suggested she follow some of her favorite creative bloggers because if she…
Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best.
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Template: Comments
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